Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Viehtrieb bei Sonnenschein / Cattle drive in sunshine
To avoid misunderstandings: The photos I have shown on the last few blogs were all my own. The professional shots will follow. Just having a small digital camera, there were a lot of shots I could not take. But as Les says: A good camera does not make a good photographer. It's just a prerequisite. This morning he, David, Mike and Ricardo left. Jacques is staying a few days longer. We had a blast.
Heute halfen Nick, Tav und ich einem Nachbarn dabei, seine Kuehe in den Korral zu bringen, wo sie eine nach der anderen auf Schwangerschaft getestet wurden. Der Tierarzt ertastet das Ergebnis. Die "offenen" Kuehe (die nicht schwanger sind) werden als Schlachtvieh verkauft. Normalerweise wird im Herbst auf Schwangerschaft getestet, aber dieser Nachbar hat "fall calvers", d.h. seine Kuehe kalben im Herbst statt im Fruehling.
Today Nick, Tav, and I helped a neighbor move his cattle into the corral where they were checked for pregnancy. The "open" cows (which are not pregnant) will be culled and sold to the butcher. Normally cows are preg checked in fall but this neighbor has "fall calvers", they calve in fall instead of spring.
Wir werden uebrigens auch im naechsten Jahr einen Foto-Workshop anbieten. Meldet Euch, falls Euch so etwas interessiert.
We will offer another photo workshop next year. Let us know if you are interested.
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Eure / Yours, Doerte