Saturday, January 16, 2010
Die Nebel von New Haven / The mists of New Haven
Will finish this week with a photo ... Due to lack of humidity, fog is pretty rare out here. But when I drove to Hulett yesterday, mist wafted across the plain. A beautiful view ... the picture does not reflect it very well but you get an idea.
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Fruehstueck / Breakfast
Every morning I put a feed bag with corn on the older horses and Anabel. Anabel is an orphan calf which we bought from a neighbor in spring. Buster who is neither old nor exactly thin does not understand the world anymore. The calf is chewing happily on corn but where is the damn corn???
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Spanisches Blut / Spanish blood
This is our Longhorn cow. When you ignore the horns, she is just a normal cow ... but it is difficult to ignore these horns. Why don't we have more Longhorns?
Die Vorfahren des amerikanischen Longhornrinds kommen aus Spanien und wurden schon im 16. Jahrhundert ueber den Pazifik geschifft. Ihre Hochzeit erlebten sie zu Beginn und in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, als Rancher ihr Vieh ueber Tausende von Meilen zu den grossen Bahnhoefen im Mittleren Westen und Osten treiben mussten. Longhorns waren besonders genuegsam und stark ... und sie waren gegen viele Krankheiten immun, die anderen Rindern zusetzten. Longhorns gelten als sehr intelligent und relativ friedlich. Sie haben eine ueberdurchschnittliche Lebenserwartung und kalben einfacher als andere Rassen. Sie sind wahre Ueberlebenskuenstler.
The ancestors of the Longhorn cattle came from Spain and were shipped across the Pacific as early as the 16th century. They were the only cattle tough enough to survive the thousands of miles long cattle drives of the early and middle 19th century when ranchers had to bring their cattle to the big train stations of the Middle West and East. And they were immune to many diseases other cattle suffered from. Longhorns are known to be very intelligent and relatively friendly. They have an above average life expectancy and calve more easily than other breeds. Longhorns are survival specialists.
In trockeneren Gebieten der USA werden sie auch heute noch gehalten, weil sie schlicht und einfach weniger Ansprueche stellen. Aber sie sind eher schlank und nehmen nicht schnell an Gewicht zu. In heutigen Zeiten, wo es keine langen cattle drives mehr gibt und Rancher ihr Vieh zusaetzlich fuettern, sind nordeuropaeische Rassen wie Angus und Hereford als Fleischvieh wesentlich beliebter. Sie werden fetter, und ihr Fleisch ist besser marmoriert.
In more arid areas of the USA they are still the dominant beef cattle because they are so hardy. But they are rather slim and don't gain weight quickly. Today, in times when cattle does not need to be driven far anymore and ranchers feed them year round, Northeuropean breeds like Angus and Hereford are more popular. They get fatter and their marbling is better.
Sprich: In dieser Gegend sind Longhorns nicht mehr wirtschaftlich, aber als wir eine geschenkt bekamen, haben wir uns doch gefreut. Sie erinnert uns an die Geschichte des Wilden Westens.
Means: Around here Longhorns are not economical anymore. But when we got one as a gift we were happy anyway. Our cow reminds us of the history of the Wild West.
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Mittwochsausritt / Wednesday trail ride
Heike called to come out and ride. She wanted to try out her new horse Backstreet (a paint, of course). Brandy came along on her Palomino Pal (as usual without a saddle). And I rode Doc, my absolutely favorite horse. Unfortunately he will be 20 soon but despite the long hair, the deep snow and no training he hardly sweated at all. A real ranch horse!
Hier seht Ihr Brandy mit Hund Gauge im gleissenden Sonnenschein. Unten Heike mit ihrem Indianerpony vorm Tipi und ganz unten Gauge, der sich durch den Schnee kaempft. Hat schon was, auf einer Ranch zu leben ;-)
Here you see Brandy with dog Gauge in the bright sun shine. Below Heike with her Indian pony in front of the tipi and further below Gauge who is struggling with the snow. Nice thing to live on a ranch ;-)
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Die glorreichen Sieben / The magnificent Seven
Okay, this photo you can only really enjoy when you click on it and enlarge it. June after a short heavy rain which does not keep real cowboys and cowgirls from riding. They are cantering towards me (from left to right): Jutta on Tucker, Marion on Chocolate, Antje on Pep, Toni on Romes, Nick on Stella, Claudia on Jet. Andrea on Rena. A beautiful day!
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Und heute was fuers Maennerherz / And today something for a man's heart
There I am, sitting at my computer and wondering what I should blog about today when a big truck with a trailer and tons of hay rushes by ... the hay for Brandon's goats (big round bales which we don't produce). A few minutes later Tina calls: "Run up the hill and don't forget your camera!"
Dale - kein Zwanzigjaehriger, sondern der Inhaber des Fuhrunternehmens - hatte die Kurve zu schnell genommen und war mitsamt Truck, Anhaenger und Ladung (s. unten) umgekippt. Ihm ist zum Glueck nichts passiert.
Dale - not a twenty year old but the owner of the trucking company - took the turn too fast and tipped both his truck and the trailer with the heavy load (s. below). Luckily he was fine.
Nick und Brandon mussten den Zaun auf der anderen Strassenseite kappen, damit sie den Truck mit unseren zwei Traktoren wieder aufrichten konnten. Das fanden die Maenner spannend. Aber als ich dann die gesamte Ladung am Boden sah (s.unten), habe ich mich schnell aus dem Staub gemacht. Jetzt musste naemlich noch jemand aufraeumen. Und das alles eine Stunde vor Sonnenuntergang ...
Nick and Brandon had to cut the fence on the other side of the road so they could use our two tractors to pull the truck up again. That was quite a men's thing to do. But when I saw the whole load on the ground (s. below), I quickly disappeared. Now someone needed to clean up. And that just one hour before sunset ...
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Auf schnellen Kufen / On fast skates
Nick finally got to play ice hockey. Our neighbors Jimmi and Bev invited us to come over. They live about one hour away in the prairie but that still counts as neighborhood here. Above you see Nick dragging Emmett along with him while playing with Otto, Demerest, Savannah, Chester and others. Below Savannah helps Emmett to keep on his feet. And then there were the two tame turkey gobblers which watched us the whole time. Better than TV!
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!