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Nick und / and Leo |
This morning Nick wanted to check a few corn feeders on the ranch (for game). Since we did not have much time because some hay buyers wanted to come out, I knew we were in for a fast ride. Stella and Sunny were still too fresh for that and I did not want to bother with our so called bombproof horses (slow). So I chose Frost who pretended to be a mustang again on the ground but was okay during riding.
Nick mag Leo, seinen neuen Wallach. Nach unserem Ritt ueber Berg und Tal bei ziemlich warmen Wetter waren beide Pferde ganz schoen geschafft. Es war ein ausgiebiges Sandbad angesagt.
Nick likes Leo, his new gelding. After our ride up and down the canyons in pretty warm weather both horses were pretty tired. They needed a long sand bath.
Vor kurzem haben wir die Kolonie unserer Amishen Nachbarn besucht, die vor einiger Zeit in diese Gegend gezogen sind. Sie waren gerade dabei, ihre Felder mit Pferden zu pfluegen. Dummerweise hatte ich meine Kamera vergessen. Die Amish bieten Zaumzeug in guter Qualitaet zu guenstigen Preisen an. Unser Ansprechpartner, Henry, meinte, dass wir im Sommer auch gern mit unseren Gaesten vorbeikommen koennen.
A few days ago we visited the colony of our Amish neighbors who moved into the area a while ago. They were just disking their fields with teams of horses ... and I of course had forgotten to bring my camera. The Amish offer good quality tack for very reasonable prices. Our contact, Henry, said that were welcome to bring our guests along in summer.
Tav reitet mittlerweile seine neue noch immer namenlose Stute (aber leider nicht, wenn ich mit Kamera vorbeikomme), die sich trotz Mangel an Erfahrung sehr entspannt gibt. Nachdem Nick und er das Heu geladen hatten (s.u.), haben sie sich wieder an Nicks und mein Schlafzimmer gemacht (Fotos werden folgen).
Tav is riding his new (still nameless) mare (just not when I come by with the camera). She seems to be pretty relaxed despite her lack of experience. After Nick and Tav loaded the hay (s. below), they started work on Nick's and my bed room again (photos will follow).
Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Eure / Yours, Doerte
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Doerte und / and Frost |
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Nick im Traktor und Tav in der Luft / Nick on the tractor and Tav in the air |
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Heuwachhund Penny / Hay watchdog Penny |