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Svenja und/and Cisco |
Yesterday I had planned to spend the day in the office and write a new blog but as usual things never happen as planned out here. Sandra fell off Pearl in the middle of nowhere ... it took me three hours in the truck to get there and she still had to walk a few hundred yards. Then to Spearfish and the ER and waiting ... a broken rib, that hurts. We were home at midnight. Luckily Doris is here to help out. Sandra already plans on riding again but neither Tav nor I will help her with saddling and mounting ... she needs a break.
Dann bin ich im Van auch noch mit einer Antilope kollidiert, und Nick ist mit dem alten Chevy im hohen Gras ueber einen Baumstumpf gefahren ... bleiben uns zurzeit nur noch der neue GMC, der Ford und der alte GMC, den wir aber nur noch auf der Ranch fahren duerfen.
Then I collided with an antelope while driving the van and Nick drove the old Chevy over a tree stump in high grass ... now we only have the new GMC, the Ford and the old GMC left, latter one we are only allowed to drive on the ranch.
Jetzt werde ich mich mal an die Fotos fuer den naechsten Blog machen ...
Now I will start working on the photos for the new blog ...
Gruss, Doerte
Greetings, Doerte