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Bueffel Daisy, Beefalo Bernadette, die drei Corrientes, Whitie und Anabel mit ihren beiden Kaelbern / Buffalo Daisy, Beefalo Bernadette, the three Corrientes, Whitie and Anabel with their two calves |
Is has gotten cold. We started to feed hay to the cattle who are partly still nursing calves and/or are pregnant. At the foot of the lake dam where they are supposed to compact the soil. Don't worry: In spring we will have a few hundred more heads of cattle on the ranch.
Nick ist mittlerweile wieder da. Wir haben immer noch viel Bueroarbeit zu erledigen, aber demnaechst wird auch wieder gebaut. Tav hat heute angerufen, er will ab Februar wieder da sein. Rechtzeitig zum Cowboy-Winter-Fotoworkshop.
Nick is back home. We still have plenty of office work to do but will soon start building again. Tav called today and said he'd be back by February. Just in time for the cowboy winter photo workshop.
Brandy und Brandon arbeiten diesen Winter wieder in Harlowton, Montana. Im Fruehjahr werden sie dann voraussichtlich wieder Rinder in der Praerie Sued-Dakotas managen.
Brandy and Brandon are working in Harlowton, Montana again this winter. In spring they will probably manage cattle in the South Dakota prairie again.
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Penny bei der Arbeit / Penny at work |