Friday, October 1, 2010

This cowboy way of life ...

Puenktlich um 8 Uhr morgens waren unsere Nachbarn da: Mark, Reuben, Travis, Philip, Tim, Wes, Grant, Ryan und Sharla. Nick musste unsere Antilopenjaeger fuehren, die gestern angereist waren, und fuer Lisa und Diane war der Ritt zu anspruchsvoll. Von unserer Seite waren also nur Brandy, Anke und ich dabei.

Our neighbors were on time, 8 am: Mark, Reuben, Travis, Philip, Tim, Wes, Grant, Ryan and Sharla. Nick had to guide antilope hunters who had arrived yesterday. And for Lisa and Diane the ride was a bit too demanding. So only Brandy, Anke and I went.

Fast fuenf Stunden dauerte es, unsere Rinder zusammenzutreiben und ueber mehrere Bergketten zu Marks Ranch zu bringen, wo sie in wenigen Tagen verladen werden. Anbei Fotos von einem herrlichen Viehtrieb bei schoenstem Wetter. Wyoming - like no place on earth!

It took almost five hours to gather our cattle and bring it across several mountain ridges to Mark's ranch where they'll be shipped in a few days. Attached a few pics of a wonderful cattle drive in beautiful weather. Wyoming - like no place on earth!

Gruesse aus dem Wilden Westen!
Greetings from the Wild West!
Eure / Yours Doerte